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The New FDA-Approved Injectable for Double Chins.

A series of minimally invasive treatments can virtually melt away your double chin.

Until now those who wanted to reduce a double chin would have two choices: plastic surgery and liposuction. If you’re not quite ready for a full on surgery and are somewhat put off by the idea of liposuction, with its risks and recovery time, Kybella is an excellent and
effective choice for moderate convexity, and fat deposits under the chin and along the jawline. Kybella is the first and only FDA-approved injectable that contours and improves submental fat. They call it “lipo in a bottle” and it’s pretty great news for patients.

We are proud to be the first practice in the South Bay to offer this exciting new treatment modality. Approved by the FDA in the spring of 2015, KYBELLA™ (deoxycholic acid) injection is indicated for improvement in the appearance of moderate to severe convexity or fullness associated with submental fat in adults, commonly known as DOUBLE CHIN.
Often resistant to diet and exercise, submental fullness impacts a broad range of adult women and men. A double chin detracts from an otherwise balanced and harmonious facial appearance, leading to an older and heavier look. Safe and effective, Kybella is identical to the deoxycholic acid produced naturally in your body which assists with the
breakdown of dietary fats.

Treatment consists of multiple injections under the chin in a grid pattern. Local anesthetic is all that’s needed to keep you comfortable. 2 to 4 treatments are required: 4 to 6 weeks apart. Improvement is noticeable 2 weeks after the first treatment; Results are optimized at about 6 weeks after the last treatment. Kybella should only be administered by a
trained physician, nurse or PA,
because extensive knowledge of regional anatomy is essential. As with any injection procedure, we screen patients carefully to determine suitability. Kybella will not work to reduce submental fullness due to thyroid or lymph enlargement. Be prepared to give us a complete medical history (medications
you take, etc.) As always, all of your questions will be answered. Most commonly, we are asked: How long does it last? The fat cells Kybella melts are not expected to return but new ones can form with time, weight gain, etc. This would be true also of Liposuction. But the good news is that is that Kybella is easily repeatable as needed.


Before & Afters

Individual Results May Vary

Some Keypoints About Kybella

  • Appointments typically last an hour.

  • You won’t need a designated driver since we won’t use general anesthesia.

  • Side Effects are Mild and Resolve Quickly. You can expect temporary swelling, bruising, tenderness, numbness, redness around the injections... much like other injectables or Ulthera. These generally resolve within a 3 to 10 days. Schedule for a Thursday or Friday and your co-workers won’t notice.

  • Adverse reactions observed during the clinical trials were extremely rare and resolved spontaneously.

All photos Courtesy of Kybella ©Copyright 2015