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Laser Vein Treatment

Vein Treatments - Sclerotherapy and Laser

It would be difficult to find more experienced vein care in California than with Dr. Duffy. He is the author innumerable articles, chapters and texts on this ever-popular subspecialty. Arguably one of the most popular elective cosmetic procedures in the United States today, the treatment of spider and varicose veins is an evolving science and Dr. Duffy remains at the forefront. Veins must be evaluated on an individual basis so that the appropriate and most effective course of treatment is selected right from the start. Both laser treatments and sclerotherapy are excellent options, depending on the particulars. Dr. Duffy will guide you to the most effective method for you.

With 25+ years of clinical experience, thousands of patients and international prominence for his contributions to vein treatment, Dr. Duffy is uniquely qualified to select and administer the best course of treatment for your unwanted veins.

Sclerotherapy is the injection treatment of unwanted veins. This is accomplished by injecting a sclerosing agent that will sclerose the endothelium (lining of the vein), collapse it so that the hemoglobin inside can be absorbed by the body. Sclerotherapy is a modality that rewards technical skill and Dr. Duffy is technically one of the best. Over the years, his writings and teachings have helped advance medical protocols for sclerotherapy across the globe. Dr. Duffy was the first to associate treatment protocols, choice of sclerosants, and outcomes with vessel size. Dubbed “The Duffy System”, his observations remain a cornerstone for training phlebologists worldwide. Dr. Duffy is certainly among the nation’s most notable vein treatment practitioners, having treated thousands of patients successfully.

About Asclera
Asclera from MERZ Aesthetics is an FDA-approved sclerosant and the branded name for polidocanol. A highly effective agent with many advantages,Asclera has been tested specifically for uncomplicated spider veins up to 1mm and reticular veins 1 to 3mm. It has received very high patient satisfaction ratings at testing, largely due to effectiveness, comfort and mildness of side-effects. Polidocanol is both old and new, in that it has been in use for decades here and in Europe before its official sanctioning by the FDA. Because of his advocacy of polidocanol, Dr. Duffy was chosen by the manufacturer as their first U.S. Director of Medical Protocols. He participated in a 3-month a manufacturer-funded study comparing two FDA-approved solutions widely used in the treatment of spider and reticular veins in a selected patient group, 25-74 years old.

For uncomplicated spider veins up to 1mm and reticular veins 1 to 3mm, Asclera gets high patient satisfaction ratings for comfort and results.